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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Judge Judy cases:

Case 1: Salon Thievery?!
A salon owner for 19 years decides to start anew with fellow hair dressers; their partnership ends in a fight over allegedly stolen property and lost wages.

Case 2: You're an Idiot!
The Judge tells it like she sees it when a young man admits he agreed to payback a loan to his ex-lover but that he was only telling her what she wanted to hear.

Judge Judy - Salon Thievery?!

Judge Judy cases:

Case 1: Don't Fence Me In!
A man goes after his neighbors when their pile of 'junk' allegedly causes his fence to fall over.

Case 2: Sister, I Don't Believe You!
The Judge questions the integrity of two sisters' sworn statements about damages following a car accident.

Case 3: Mess or no Mess?!
A disgruntled tenant claims a broken refrigerator caused her to throw out hundreds of dollar worth of food; her landlord begs to differ.

Judge Judy - Don't Fence Me In!

Judge Judy cases:

Case 1: Boss Steals Worker's Car?!
While working together at a check cashing store, a woman claims the manager illegally repossessed her car; he says she was about to be fired.
Case 2: Gimme Back My Camera!
After a Christmas Day argument, a man returns to his ex-wife allegedly leaving his ex-fiancee with one less camera.

Judge Judy - Boss Steals Worker's Car?!

Judge Judy case: Faulty Family Business?!
A woman sues a contractor and his son for shoddy workmanship; they claim she held their tools hostage and extorted them for money.

Judge Judy - Faulty Family Business?!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Judge Judy cases:

Case 1: Hair Salon Rip-Off!
A salon owner claims one of his stylists left without paying rent and stole some of his furniture on the way out.

Case 2: Cousins Go Dutch on Rent?
A man accuses his cousin of not holding up her end of the bargain to pay rent; she denies stealing his clothes when she left.

Case 3: Friends' Fallout!
A preschool teacher sues her former friend for an unpaid loan to fix up an RV; her friend countersues for emotional distress and defamation.

Judge Judy - Hair Salon Rip-Off!

Friday, June 23, 2017

Judge Judy cases:

Case 1: Squatter Extortionist?!
Furious after a rent increase, a woman stops paying and contacts the housing authority citing 24 violations.

Case 2: Entrepreneur on the Hot Seat!
A couple searches for a car for their teenage son only to allegedly be swindled when they purchase a Prius with a lien on the title.

Judge Judy - Squatter Extortionist?!

 Judge Judy cases:

Case 1: Social Security Fraud?!
A man sues his former co-worker for failing to build a website for his new business, a business he allegedly doesn't want the government to know about.

Case 2: Ex-Lovers Break It Down!
A man takes in his girlfriend and her children only to be sued for unpaid rent, hotel costs and a broken tablet.

Judge Judy - Social Security Fraud?!